Publicity Department
The Publicity Department
Davis Flea Market display, July 2013
Several members put on a display at the Davis Flea Market on Sunday, July 28, 2013. The organizers let us take over a small office inside their warehouse on Olive Drive. James showed his beautiful handmade beehive (sans bees!); Ben and Colin worked on their role-playing terrain model; and Tim F. brought in a pair of tabletop Van de Graaf high-voltage generators and a remotely-operated camera bot.
Several other members were there, too: Braden, Jordan, Steve, Bill (apologies to any not listed!)… a good time was had by all. We answered many questions from interested visitors, and we passed out lots of “Hot Fun in the Summertime” flyers.
We realized that we could use a big banner or sign to put up at such events… any volunteers?
HOW IT WORKS Infographic
This poster was made by Emily S on July 19th 2013. (Updated October 9th.) It is informational for people who may not be familiar with makerspaces or DMS in particular. I invite everyone to post it widely.

##“HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME” flyer, Summer 2013
This flyer was created by Tim F on Wednesday, July 3, 2013. It is a single sheet monochrome flyer, text only, printed in black on eye-catching hot pink letter-sized paper. It invites people to visit our space on Friday evenings. It has no expiration date.
Here is an alphabetical list of place where the flyer has been posted (the number in parentheses tells how many flyers were posted):
- Ace Hardware (ZERO; they don’t allow it)
- The Artery (1)
- The Avid Reader Active (1)
- Candy House (1)
- City Hall (1)
- Davis Art Center (1)
- Davis Food CoOp (2)
- Davis Makerspace (1)
- Hibbert Lumber (1)
- Logos Books (2)
- Natsoulas Gallery (1)
- The Paint Chip (1)
- PDQ (1)
- Radio Shack (1)
- Sophia’s Thai Bar (1)
- SPCA Thrift Shop (1)
- Steve’s Pizza (1)
- Sugar Daddies Ice Cream (1)
- Teach Your Children (1)
- UCD Bookstore Downtown (1)
- UCD - Olson Hall, West entrance (1)
- Uncle Vito’s Pizza (1)
- Watermelon Music (1)
- Woodstock’s Pizza (1)
- Yolo County Library (1)
- Yolo County Visitor’s Bureau (1)
There are some copies of the flyer in our space, for members to post… for example, your company’s lunchroom might let you post one there.
Here is a copy of the PDF file, in case you want to print out some more and post them – it would be very much appreciated!
Hot Fun In The Summertime flyer
If you do print and post this flyer, please:
- Use hot pink paper
- Tell us where you posted the flyer, and how many copies you posted there, by editing the alphabetical list on this page of the wiki; that will save others from duplicating your work
##“MADE IN YOLO COUNTY” Newspaper Articles, July 2013
Tom Sakash and Wayne Tilcock from the Davis Enterprise visited us in late June. We talked to them and showed them our space and some of our member’s projects, and they wrote a nice article about us. They published it as part of their annual “Made In Yolo County” supplement; it appeared in their Sunday edition on July 7, 2013.
The Friday after that supplement appeared, we received many new visitors who said they had learned about us from that article. So, the article was great publicity for us. Thank you, Davis Enterprise!
Here are two links to online versions of the material that appeared in that supplement. You can click on the photos on those pages to see bigger images: